Thank you for requesting our DIY-SEO Guide

An email with your download link is winging its way to you at this very moment! We hope you find it of interest and gives you some insights into the basics of optimising your site’s content.

Webmedia has been helping small & medium sized businesses rise to the top of Google and other search engines for over 15+ years. Our aim is to help you do the same and succeed online. 

The primary purpose of SEO is to attract search traffic to your website. If you are not being listed on the first page, or if you are lucky, the second page of search results, it won’t happen!

Recent Google algorithm updates; Panda, Rankbrain, Hummingbird, Penguin focus on the quality, relevance and the user-experience provided to your search visitors.

There’s no time like the present to find out how your site measures up. Get a free Website Health Audit. Fill in the form and let us do the rest.